e-Commerce Product Catalogue
You can visit the webiste hereI started this project in the first week of April 2020, finishing it off by the last week of May, 2020. The idea for this project was to make an e-Commerce website without the payment. It would just serve as a a catalogue for products.
I developed this project as a single person resource. The Frontend is written in React, with Redux for state management and React-Router as the main router. The backend is written in NodeJS with ExpressJS as the framework for writing the business lgic and building out APIs, with MongoDB in the cloud as the datastore and MongooseJS as the ORM to connect the backend to the datasource. I've used Github for version control and Github Actions for testing/CI. The project in its entirety (both backend and frontend) is Continously Integrated/Continously Deployed on Heroku, after being packaged on Docker. In this project, there are three levels of users, as described below
A Customer, who can login and view the products, add the products he likes into a wishlist, and download and/or send that wishlist in pdf format over email or whatsapp to a person of his choice.
An Admin, who can login to add, edit and delete the products. An admin can also add multiple product pictures to a product, and generate reports on the activities on the website .
A SuperAdmin, who can add and delete new admins and users, can see the lastest activities of a specific user/admin, besides everything that an admin can do
You can visit the website here . Please contact me for creating custom login details if you wanna check it out for yourself
- - React to develop UI and DOM manipulations
- - Redux as the flux library for state management and manipulation
- - React Router as the UI router
- - MongoDB in the cloud as the datastore
- - Mongoose as the ORM to connect backend to the database
- - NodeJS as the backend language
- - ExpressJS as a framework upon node to write APIs
- - Docker for packaging
- - GitHub for version control
- - SSL Encrypted over HTTPS as an extra mesaure of security